
This is my little home on the web and hub for an online hobby known as fanlistings. If this is your first time here, hello! If you've been here before, welcome back! Here's a bit about me, Andrisima! I'm italian and swedish, my name is a combination of two names my mom and dad picked out, my birthday is February 14th, I'm an aquarius, and my birthstone and favorite gemstone is an amethyst. I'm in love with Robert, I'm a smart blonde who is amused by the cliches, I adore a vampire named Santino, though I no longer support Anne Rice, I work for my County, looove purple, friends, family, cats, my domain, shoes, my job, traveling, and more. You can buy me for: $2,437,358.00. Do you have a Brain?

I'm honored to share that Lorian made a fanlisting for me. ♥ Fan of me?

Collective Stats

Owned: 13 | Fans: 2419 + (0) | Joined: 98 | Affiliates: 22

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(c) Andrisima + bloodkisses.com + Layout by Lorian